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p-ISSN : 2829-8519 |
e-ISSN : 2829-8748 |
Vol.04, No.01, June 2024 |
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Become a Reviewer
To establish itself as a reputable scientific journal, Jurnal Sains dan Aplikasi Keilmuan Teknik Industri (SAKTI) requires the support of a dedicated team of reviewers who can evaluate submitted manuscripts from scientists in a fair and timely manner. The selection of manuscripts for publication in SAKTI is the responsibility of the journal's team, who endeavor to identify the most original, significant, and impactful scientific findings for inclusion.
To achieve this objective, SAKTI relies on experienced scientists with expertise in the relevant subject areas, who are willing to offer their services voluntarily to review the submitted manuscripts. The reviewers play an essential role by providing valuable insights to the journal's editors and Editor-in-Chief, thereby enabling them to make informed decisions on the manuscript's suitability for publication.
SAKTI's Editorial Team cordially invites interested and qualified scientists to contact the Editor-in-Chief about the possibility of becoming a reviewer for SAKTI. To express your interest, please send an email to [email protected], including a brief summary of your background, professional accomplishments, and reviewing experience. Alternatively, you may download the CV template available on the journal's website.
We are thrilled to hear from prospective reviewers and are committed to continually enhancing the quality and efficiency of SAKTI's review process.