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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • Authors have formatted the manuscript according to the journal's guidelines for authors and SAKTI's template.
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word (doc or docx)
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • Authors have obtained all necessary permissions for any copyrighted material used in manuscript.

Author Guidelines

Article Template

To properly format your manuscript for submission, please use our submission template (DOCX). This template has been specifically designed to provide clear formatting instructions and guidelines for authors, allowing you to seamlessly integrate your own sentences within the pre-existing template. Remember that the submission will undergo a double-blind review process, so it is important that the file you submit does not contain any author information. This information will be added after the blind-review process.

Ethics in Publishing

When submitting your paper to the journal, you must accept the SAKTI Ethics Statement for Authors, which can be found on the submission checklist. The statement covers authorship, originality, and conflicts of interest. To check for originality, your article may undergo a Turnitin check, with a maximum similarity index allowed of 25%. If the percentage of similarities detected by Turnitin exceeds this limit, further investigation may be necessary, and revisions or rejection of the manuscript may be requested by the publisher.

Changes to Authorship

If you want to make changes to the authorship of your accepted paper, you may do so before or after online publication. If the changes are made before online publication, the corresponding author must contact the Journals Manager and provide a written consent from all co-authors, explaining the reason for the change. Please note that the paper will not be published until the changes are approved. If the changes are made after online publication, the same policies apply and a corrigendum will be issued. You can download the form template for this purpose.


Upon acceptance for publication, authors will be required to sign a copyright assignment form. It is the author's responsibility to secure permission to reproduce any copyrighted material.

Author Rights

Please see our Publication Ethics and Policy page for information regarding the author's rights to reuse their work.

Role of the Funding Source

Please provide information on the sources of financial support for your research or article, including the role of any sponsor(s) in study design, data collection, analysis and interpretation, report writing, and decision to submit the article for publication. If the funding source(s) did not play a role in any of these aspects, please indicate so.

Publishing Policy

Once your paper is accepted for publication, you will have online access to download the published article from the website.


It is essential that papers are well-written with proper grammar in both Indonesian and English. In case the manuscript is not understandable, it will be rejected.

Acknowledgment : the acknowledgment section should include the names of those individuals who assisted in the research, along with any grants received from institutions (including the grant number and year).

References: references must be accessible sources, and it's crucial to make sure that all the work cited in the text is listed in the reference list, with matching authors and dates. The reference list should provide sufficient information for the reader to locate the cited work (refer to the formats below).

Nomenclature and Units

Please ensure that the terminology and notation used are clear and easily understandable. Spell out all abbreviations and acronyms in full when they are first mentioned in the text.

For the measurement units, it is strongly recommended to use SI units. However, if non-SI units are necessary, please provide their SI equivalents or conversion factors. Use the spellings 'litre' and 'metre', and not 'meter' (which refers to a measuring instrument), when writing in English.

In English manuscripts, use a decimal point instead of a comma for numbers (e.g., 1.234 instead of 1,234). For manuscripts written in Bahasa Indonesia, continue to use a decimal point.

Equations should be written in metric units or in dimensionless form. Use italic letters to denote variables in both the text and displayed equations.


Ensure that all figures are correctly inserted and positioned in your Word files, and also provide separate graphics files in their original formats, preferably in EPS, TIFF, or PSD formats with a minimum of 300 dpi. Figures should be numbered sequentially and placed near the first citation in the text. Each figure must have a caption that describes the illustration and can be understood independently of the main text. The caption should be provided in the text, not on the figure itself.

To avoid any issues during production, use scale bars instead of magnification factors since figures may be resized.


When submitting an article, it is important to present tables in editable text rather than as images. Tables should be numbered sequentially based on their appearance in the text and any notes should be positioned underneath the table. While tables can be a useful tool, it is important to limit their use and ensure that the data they contain does not duplicate information presented elsewhere in the article. To ensure that the text area can accommodate both figures and tables, it is important to verify their size beforehand. It is recommended to avoid using vertical lines in tables.


The referencing and citation style used by SAKTI is Harvard style, and authors may utilize different software to make the process easier. A tutorial is available for Microsoft Word, but it is not provided by SAKTI. 

Citations in text

  • Use surname of author and year of publication: Jones (2002) or (Jones, 2002).
  • Insert initials only if there are two different authors with the same surname and same year of publication.
  • Two or more years in parentheses following an author's name are cited in ascending order of year, and two or more references published in the same year by the same author are differentiated by letters a, b, c, etc. For example: Brown (1999, 2002, 2003a, 2003b).
  • Only two authors can be cited as Booth and Reinelt (1993) or (Booth &Reinelt, 1993).
  • The abbreviation "et al." should be used in the text when there are more than two co-authors of a cited paper. For example: Hwang, S.A., Hwang, S.J., Park, S.R., Lee, S.W., 2016, can be written as Hwang et al. (2016) or (Hwang et al., 2016).
  • Different references cited together should be in date order, for example: (Smith, 1959; Thomson & Jones, 2008; Green et al., 2015).
    If a paper has been accepted for publication but has not been published the term "(in press)" should be used instead of a date.
  • Please ensure accuracy by verifying that each reference cited in the text corresponds to an entry in the reference list and vice versa.

Reference Links

In order to link references to the source material, we utilize digital object identifiers (DOIs). For this to be possible, it is essential that the data provided in the references are accurate. It is crucial to exercise great care, particularly when copying references, to verify that surnames, journal or book titles, publication year, and pagination are all accurate. Additionally, if DOIs are available, please include them.

List of References

At the conclusion of the manuscript, a list of references should be presented in alphabetical order. While it is recommended to use "et al." in the body of the text, all authors' names must be included in the reference list.

Journal reference style:

Berawi, M.A., 2017. Stimulating Innovation and Creativity: The Way Forward. International Journal of Technology, Volume 8(1), pp. 1-4

Zeng, R.J., Lemaire, R., Yuan, Z., Keller, J., 2004. A Novel Wastewater Treatment Process: Simultaneous Nitrification, Denitrification and Phosphorus Removal. Water Science and Technology, Volume 50(10), pp. 163-170

Book reference styles - (i) article in compilation; (ii) multi-author work; (iii) standard reference; (iv) report; (v) thesis:

(i) Cheng, J.J., 2010. Biological Process for Ethanol Production. In: Biomass in Renewable Energy Processes, Cheng, J.J., (ed.), CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, Florida, USA, pp. 211-233

(ii) Lampman, G.M., Pavia, D.L., Kriz, G.S., Vyvyan, J.R., 2010. Introduction to Spectroscopy. 4th Edition. USA: Brooks/Cole

(iii) United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA), 1991. Health and Environmental Effect Document for Methylcyclohexane. Office of Health and Environmental Assessment, Cincinnati, OH, USA

(iv) Sobsey, M.D., Pfaender, F.K., 2002. Evaluation of the H2S Method for Detection of Fecal Contamination of Drinking Water. Report WHO/SDE/WSH/02.08, Water Sanitation and Health Programme, WHO, Geneva, Switzerland

(v) Taa, P.D.S., 2010. Effects of Installation of Group Pile due to Slab Uplift of Nailed-slab Resting on Expansive Subgrade. Master’s Thesis, Graduate Program, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Online references

It is recommended that the citation includes the complete URL and the date of access. It is important to double-check that the cited work is still available. 

BASIN (Boulder Area Sustainability Information Network), 2005. Current Theme: Watershed. National Sanitation Foundation Water Quality Index. Available online at, Accessed on December 25, 2015


Prior to submitting an article for review to the journal, it is recommended to refer to the following checklist for final verification. For more information on any item listed, please refer to the Instruction for Authors.

Ensure that the following items are present

One author has been designated as the corresponding author with contact details:

  • E-mail address
  • Full postal address

All necessary files have been uploaded, and contain:

  • Keywords
  • All figure captions
  • All tables (including title, description, footnotes)

Further considerations

  • The manuscript has undergone thorough spell-checking and grammar-checking, ensuring that it meets the high language standards set by SAKTI.
  • References have been meticulously formatted according to the journal's specific guidelines.
  • Every reference listed in the Reference section is appropriately cited in the manuscript, and vice versa. This meticulous attention to detail ensures that readers can easily locate the source material referenced in the manuscript.
  • Authors are reminded that permission must be obtained for the use of copyrighted material from external sources, including the internet. This requirement is critical to maintaining the integrity of the manuscript and the reputation of the journal. It is the responsibility of the authors to obtain such permission and provide evidence of it during the submission process. Failure to do so may result in rejection of the manuscript or legal action against the authors.


Use of the Digital Object Identifier

The use of a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) is an important tool for authors to ensure that their research is easily accessible and properly cited. The DOI is a unique identifier that is assigned to each paper when the first proof is generated. It provides a permanent link to the paper, ensuring that it can be easily cited and located by other researchers.

Proofs and Copyright

Once the paper has been accepted and published, authors will receive a proof of the paper by email. This proof should be carefully checked for any typesetting errors or other mistakes, and any necessary corrections should be returned within one week of receipt. The authors are responsible for proofreading and ensuring that their paper is free from errors.


Once the paper has been published online, it can be freely accessed and downloaded from the journal's website. If an author prefers a printed copy of their paper, they can request offprints from the journal manager. Pricing information can be obtained by contacting the journal manager directly.


For further advice please contact:
E-mail : [email protected] or [email protected]


Section default policy

Privacy Statement

At SAKTI, we are committed to protecting the privacy and confidentiality of our authors, reviewers, and readers. This Privacy Statement outlines how we collect, use, and protect personal information that we obtain through our website and other services.

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We collect personal information, such as names and contact details, from authors and reviewers in order to facilitate the peer-review process and to communicate with them about their submissions. We also collect personal information, such as names and email addresses, from readers who sign up for our email newsletters or who request to receive updates about new publications.

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We use the personal information we collect in order to provide our services and to communicate with our users. For example, we may use author and reviewer information to facilitate the peer-review process and to communicate with them about their submissions. We may also use reader information to send email newsletters and updates about new publications. We will not share your personal information with any third parties without your consent, except as required by law.

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Contact Us If you have any questions or concerns about this Privacy Statement, please contact us at [email protected].

Last updated: January 2023